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Forslag til brev til den mauritiske premierminister og internationale turistkontorer


I am shocked to learn that Mauritius allows the trapping, breeding and export of primates for research. I am furthermore deeply concerned by the impending Pre-Clinical Research bill, which if adopted, will promote the use of animals in research in Mauritius itself; in particular the long-tailed macaque which is likely to be the main species to be used in the research facilities.

At a time when the use of primates in research is increasingly being challenged in Europe and elsewhere, the establishment of primate testing facilities in Mauritius will simply encourage further use of these animals.

In addition to the ethical objections regarding the use of primates in research, there are also strong scientific arguments against their use. Because of biological differences between humans and other species, the results of such research cannot be safely and reliably extrapolated to humans.

I appeal to the Government of Mauritius to take immediate action and lead the way by adopting modern non-animal alternative technologies rather than encouraging the archaic and cruel practice of animal testing to continue.

Yours Sincerely

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